If You See A Tosser

By tonyh, 16 July, 2012

It's notoriously difficult to stop these people, but I'm advised that individuals can take action by going through the following process.

If you see anyone dumping rubbish, collect these details:

  1. Date and time the incident occurred
  2. Location and road details
  3. Vehicle registration number, type and colour of vehicle
  4. Type of waste thrown out of the vehicle
  5. Take photos if you can

You should then complete a statutory declaration which makes reference to all the above and send the details to David Oates, Senior Ranger, who is authorised to issue infringements under the Act . This should lead to prosecution and a fine.

The catch is that you must be prepared to present at Court if the incident is disputed.

 If you have any further questions or queries, contact Amey McKey, Waste Management Co-ordinator, Great Lakes Council, ph: 65917318.

Meanwhile, we are seeing another form of littering again which is the erection of signs advertising businesses. People have no authority to do this on public land. These signs only serve to make NAC look like a city high street and their removal will be requested.

Tony Hann 









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