NACCAi drainage subcommittee - final report on Council drainage strategy May 2021

By bobreid, 28 February, 2021

In 2017 MidCoast Council engaged consultants to prepare a drainage strategy for North Arm Cove. This strategy made many recommendations for improving drainage in the Cove.

A link to this strategy was placed on the website in September 2020 – you can view it by clicking on this link -  2017 drainage strategy.

Over the past six months the NACCAi roads and drainage subcommittee (Gary Sylvaney and Seamus Devlin) has been reviewing progress with this strategy, and have undertaken thorough inspections of drainage throughout the Cove, and discussed drainage problems with many residents and with officers from MidCoast Council. The end result of this review is a comprehensive report on drainage which provides an update on recommendations listed in the 2017 strategy, and lists many new drainage issues that require fixing.

In summary, the subcommittee is pleased with Council’s progress on implementing the 2017 strategy, many actions have been completed and more are scheduled to be done. Council has been very responsive in working with the subcommittee and a lot of remedial work has been undertaken in recent months by staff from Council’s Tea Gardens depot.

A draft report was released in February 2021 for resident review and feedback, and following feedback and more inspections, the report has now been finalised.

The subcommittee will now work with Council to develop a timetable for the high priority actions.

Gary and Seamus have done a fantastic and thorough job in preparing this report, and on behalf of NACCAi and the North Arm Cove community, I thank them for their good work.

A copy of the final report can be found below, together with a link to enable you to download it.

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