Hi all, The Better Planning Network, of which EcoNetwork is a member, attended a Forum on the White Paper on planning reforms at Parliament House on 20 May MCd by Quentin Dempster and hosted by MPs: Minister Hazzard (who, along with senior DPI staff stayed for the entirety of the forum), Rev. The Hon. Fred Nile (who also stayed for the entire time), the Hon. Luke Foley, Mr David Shoebridge and Mr Alex Greenwich. Other panel members included  John Mant, Wendy Sarkissian, James Ryan, David Logan, Nicole Gurran, Van Le, Ian Sinclair and Marcus Ray. Following the forum, BPN produced a media release and two other documents (attached) including a fact sheet on ecologically sustainable development (ESD) - a key issue. Below are BPN's recommendations. EcoNetwork will be taking action but acting affiliates and individuals may wish to do so also. ?  Send a Votergram TODAY Send a brief (100 word max) Votergram to the 130 NSW MPs saying what you or your group want the Government to do with regard to the NSW planning reforms.  For more information, email Greg Bloomfield at votergrams@internode.on.netvotergrams@internode.on.net   .  Please note: BPN does not make any profits from Votergrams.  We recommend Votergrams because we think they work really well at specific points of our campaign.  Greg Bloomfield is on our Leadership Group and is offering a 25% discount on all Votergrams sent by BPN individual and group affiliates, making the cost of a Votergram $19.80.    ?  Write to one or more of our Forum hosts Please email or write to one or more of our Forum hosts, thanking them for their support of the Forum and highlighting 2-3 issues you would like them to advocate for with regard to the NSW planning reforms. Here are their email addresses: office@hazzard.minister.nsw.gov.au  (Minister Hazzard) fred.nile@parliament.nsw.gov.au  (Reverend The Hon. Fred Nile, MLC) luke.foley@parliament.nsw.gov.au  (the Hon. Luke Foley, MLC) david.shoebridge@parliament.nsw.gov.au  (Mr David Shoebridge, MLC) sydney@parliament.nsw.gov.au   (Mr Alex Greenwich, MP for Sydney)     ?  Write to your local MP NOW Email or write a short message to your local MP, highlighting yesterday’s forum and asking them to advocate on the issue(s) that are most important to you.  Note that we have updated our standard letter to MPs on the home page of our website ( betterplanningnetwork.good.do ) . Please also take a minute to send a letter to your MP through our website and encourage your group members, family, colleagues, friends to act as well. ?  Write to the media Write to your local and/or state media, call radio talkback shows, and highlight yesterday’s forum with the issues that are most important to you. If anyone wants a copy of John Mant's PowerPoint presentation let me know, as it is a fairly large file (2.7Mb). Regards   NIGEL DIQUE Secretary EcoNetwork-Port Stephens Inc 0423 024819 nigeldique@me.com