The NAC Tennis Club AGM will be held under the Hall shelter at 3:00 pm this Saturday, Aug 22nd. If you are at all interested in playing tennis at any . . .
President: Elizabeth Hall
Vice President: Julie McGloin
Secretary: Brenda Donaldson
Treasurer: Jenny Boddington
Public Officer: Kerrian Griffin
Committee Members:
- Steve Soper
Anthony Byrne
Tennis court opening hours - 7am till 10pm daily
Tennis phone bookings - 9am till 6pm daily
Non members - $20 per hour court hire.
Membership fees - Family $60 per year
- Single $30 per year
Non Member playing with a Member $5.00 per Non Member
Financial year ends 30 June.
Bank: Newcastle Permanent Building Society
Account Name: North Arm Cove Tennis Club Incorporated
BSB: 650300
Account number: 988978518
Ref: 'family name' subs,
Bookings: 0427 276 718

Fourteen club members attended a tennis meeting held at the court last Saturday. Some of the main points of discussion were: Play - continues to be permitted under strict COVID . . .

The MidCoast Council has given us the authority to reopen the tennis court using the Covid-19 guidelines set by Tennis NSW. This means we can now accept bookings for club . . .

The coronavirus threat has forced the NAC Tennis Club to consider the possiblity of closing the court as it is a place where people get together in a group. However . . .

The North Arm Cove Tennis Club has been offered the services of Chris Herden, a professional tennis coach. Chris is a former NSW ranked junior and a USA college representative . . .

If you haven't yet, maybe you are missing out on what has been described as the fastest growing sport in the US. And there are already some 1500 players in . . .

Don't forget! New Years resolutions have been made and must be honoured. To be more active. To get fitter. To get out and about. To drink much more and better . . .

Did you know – just three sports have been proven world-wide to be socially inclusive whilst positively enhancing life, welfare and sustainability? One is tennis. (The others are golf and . . .

The minutes of the tennis general meeting held May 26 are attached. Peter Chappelow 180526 General.doc