Paper subdivisions: Public Meeting

By leny, 15 March, 2012

North Arm Cove could be significantly affected by current proposals to allow development of existing 'paper subdivisions. Members of the public have now been invited to attend a meeting to discuss these proposals. This will be held at the Tea Gardens Baptist Church Hall on 19th March at 5.30pm. (Click on the attached advertisement for more details.)

A sub committee of the Residents Association has prepared a large number of questions covering a wide range of relevant issues and it is hoped that most of these will receive responses at the meeting. A copy of these questions is now attached to this article.

Land sales of the first subdivision of North Arm Cove began in 1920 when there were hopes that this area would become the City of Port Stephens. Further adjacent areas were subdivided and released in 1924. Those early high expectations for this region were never realised but the paper subdivisions have remained in existence - except that all the land outside the designated village area has been zoned as non-urban.

Following this meeting it may then be appropriate to prepare submissions to the NSW Department of Planning & Infrastructure. Closing date for submissions is 30 March 2012.


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