Available for purchase:
Beautifully printed this book is packed with pictures and articles from past and present Cove community members. It would make an excellent gift for friends and family.
Recording those accomplishments and the earnest efforts of past and present “Cove” volunteers, the booklet also celebrates what makes the village a special place: its history, its natural beauty and its people.
This celebratory book is available for a limited time at the discounted price of $20 a copy. (RRP $25)
You can order one or more copies now by transferring $20 per copy ($27 including p&p where required) using the following Association bank details:
Beyond Bank Australia Payee: North Arm Cove Community Ass Inc (or as much as will fit)
BSB: 325-185
Account No: 38609949
Do make sure to include your name in the description and the number of booklets you wish to order! If your bank gives the option of sending an email to the payee, enter the email address: naccai@northarmcove.nsw.au. Then also send a message yourself to the naccai@northarmcove.nsw.au email address so that we have your contact details - including your postal address if postage is required.