
All of us working on the North Arm Cove community website are volunteers. We are unable to warrant that all the information on the site is completely accurate. We trust that you will understand that, although we do our best to get things right, we will probably make mistakes from time to time. Do let us know if you think we have something wrong. We will investigate and make corrections when we can. Do let us know if you think we have inadvertently posted copyright material without the relevant permission. We will address that issue too.

We also have links to information and web pages from other sites, the content of which is outside our control. Sometimes, if there are technical problems, information coming from RSS and similar feeds supplied by other organisations may not update in a timely fashion.

We will do our very best to protect private information you may have given to us but there are unscrupulous people who will probably try to break into our systems. If you think that information about you that we have stored in our databases has been compromised, let us know as soon as possible so we may investigate.

There are the usual risks associated with using any website. When downloading files you should always make sure that you are using appropriate security protection on your computer.

You should also be aware that it is possible that connections between you and this site may be monitored by others. Do not use the same password for an account on this site as you use for accessing other important web accounts such as your bank.