Changes to NACRA. Have your say!

The time has come for the North Arm Cove Residents Association to revise and update its constitution. It sounds boring. But it is important. Our current constitution no longer meets the requirements specified in the latest Incorporated Associations Act. We need to get it fixed. A draft of a proposed new constitution has now been prepared and we would like to get your views.

We must have the final version of the constitution completed by the middle of next week. That final version needs to be made available to all members at least 21 days before the Association's next General Meeting on 7 December. And at that December meeting we need a 75% majority to have the constitution passed! So getting your feedback now on this draft will help us work towards that goal.

You will see that the draft constitution includes widened membership criteria to allow for categories of urban and non-urban members. It incorporates many of the traditional practices of our Association but with some variations. It meets the requirements of the Act.

The old Constitution included the Objects of the Association. An updated version of those objects is therefore required. And while changes are afoot, there has also been a suggestion to change the name of the Association so it is more inclusive. The suggested name is the "North Arm Cove Community Association Inc". (NACCAI)

If you are not already logged in, you will need to login to the Cove website to view and respond to a brief survey that seeks your views. (We have get you to do that so we don't get inundated with spam.)  If you have forgotten your password, click on this link. Submit your email address and you will receive a reply explaining how to reset your password. Please do login and give us your feedback.

Jim Parnell, NACRA President   
3 November 2019   


We begin the survey by asking a few questions about yourself -  then we ask whether you support the name change, objects and constitution. When you have logged in, the brief survey will appear below.