Another great result for Biggest Morning Tea

By Annie44, 31 May, 2015

Joan Williams with the Judges

The Stitch Gatherers group are delighted with the result of the recent Biggest Morning Tea.  Around $1,550 has been raised so far, with more donations and hat sales still to come.

Around 60 people attended, including a fair sprlnkling of men who really got into the spirit of the auctions and dug deep into their wallets for the Cancer Council.

The hat competition featured some wild and wacky items, as well as traditional beanies and chemotherapy caps and the Judges had a difficult choice. In the end Annette Searle and Joan Williams were the major winners, taking out four of the five categories.  A visitor from Queensland won the Chemotherapy section.

The raffle proved popular, taking in over $350 and winner of the major prize, the “Haute Couture” quilt was Gillian Murphy.

Many of the competition entries were snapped up in the silent auction, with ladies frantically trying on hats and a small ‘bidding war’ breaking out over a couple of the entries.

The Stitch Gatherers group were very pleased with the result and are already working on some ideas for next year that will open up the competition to other crafts. Joan Williams commented that as the men were the biggest bidders at this year’s auction, they should be actively encouraged to participate again next year.

If you have any suggestions for next year’s Biggest Morning Tea, Joan and the group would be delighted to hear from you.

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