Biggest Morning Tea a great success!

By Annie44, 10 July, 2012
A great turn out for the event

Residents enjoy the event

As reported in the June issue of Cove News, the Biggest Morning Tea was an outstanding success, raising just on $1400 for the Cancer Council of NSW.




Judges were amazed at the variety and complexity of the entries.  Some were knitted, other entrants chose to create quilted or fabric cosies.  The wild and the wacky stood side by side with more traditional designs.



Overall winner was Kerryan Griffin for her innovative tea cosy inspired by the TV series, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.

Winners in other categories included Maureen Kelly, Kay Furley, Annette Searle, Else Watson, Elizabeth Hillman, Jo Johnson, Barbara Smith, Joan Williams and Kathy Kohlhoff.

The event was such a big hit that it will definitely be on the calendar for next year, so all you knitters and quilters, start working on your tea cosy designs now.  Remember too that you are not just up for a prize on the day, your efforts will be put on sale after the judging and all money raised will go to a great cause.

Below:  The judges make their decision - some of the stunning quilts on display can be seen on the left.

As well as the tea cosy competition, the Stitch Gatherers group put on a display of their work including many beautifully crafted quilts and hand knitted items.

Auctions and raffles were held during the morning to raise money for the Cancer Council and after the tea cosy judging, many of the entries were put on sale.  

The Stitch Gatherers group were delighted with the results and are now looking forward to next year's event. In the meantime they are busy with their next project which will be the subject of a new topic in a few weeks' time.


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