By Annie44, 27 February, 2013
Some of the 2012 entries

A couple of entries from 2012

North Arm Cove Stitchgatherers Craft Group ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ will be held on Saturday 4 May  at the Community Hall.

The tea cosy competition was a huge hit last year and it’s on again, so start looking for ideas.  Your tea cosy doesn’t have to be knitted or sewn, feel free to use any technique you like and let your imagination run wild.  There will be prizes in various categories, plus a grand prize for the overall winner.

A highlight of the day will be a display of wearable art.  Wearable art could be a garment or an accessory – scarf, brooch, earrings, socks, gloves, hats etc. as long as it is interesting, hand made and can be worn or carried. If you have something that fits this category, we’ll be happy to put it on display.

Some examples of Wearable Art

The Stitchgatherers group are working on the major raffle prize, a hand embroidered supper cloth and there will be many other items to be raffled and auctioned on the day with all proceeds going to the NSW Cancer Council.  Last year’s event raised over $1,400, and our goal is to match or exceed this amount.

It’s a fun day and a great cause.  For further information call Joan Williams 4997 3438


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