By Annie44, 16 October, 2014

Headwear will feature in 2015


The North Arm Cove Stitch Gatherers Group will hold the 2015 Biggest Morning Tea on Saturday 16 May, so mark that date on the calendar and start planning your entry in the "Headwear" competition.

Traditionally, the competition has centered around tea cosies, but next year, things will be decidedly different.  Instead of making an item that fits on a tea cosy, we'll be asking you to make an item that fits on a head.  Your headwear can be knitted, crocheted, felted, sewn, woven or crafted in any way possible.  If it fits on a head, (human or otherwise) it will qualify.

Entries will be judged in the following categories:

  • IN THE GARDEN  (look around your yard for inspiration).
  • FANTASY (the possibilities are endless).
  • FESTIVE  (think Christmas, Easter or other holidays).
  • MOST INNOVATIVE  (just let your head go).
  • OPEN  (this category includes head-huggers which can be donated to chemotherapy patients).

For some good ideas, just go online.  Ravelry is a great site (  You have to sign up but it's free and they won't hassle you.  Another good source of inspiration is Etsy (  On both sites, just type "hat patterns" into their search engine and away you go.

Proceeds from the Biggest Morning Tea will go to the NSW Cancer Council. There will be raffles, auctions, fun, food and craft displays.  It's a  May morning not to be missed!

For further information on the Biggest Morning Tea, or to join the Stitch Gatherers Group, contact Joan Williams 4997 3438.

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