By Annie44, 18 June, 2017

Cushions on display

Although attendance was down a little on previous years, the North Arm Cove Biggest Morning Tea still managed to raise  $1,700 for the Cancer Council.  The Stitch Gatherers group were delighted with the result, attributing the slightly lower numbers to the fact that many residents were absent from the Cove on the day.

The decision to feature coat hangers, cushions and doorstops was a great success and the entries were so many and varied that judges Emma, Joanne and Shawna asked for more prizes to be awarded.  Competition winners came from both the North Arm Cove Stitch Gatherers group and the Karuah River craft group, who booked a table well in advance for their group of twelve. Wilma Greenway took out Best in Show and prizes in other categories went to Kay Furley, Annette Searle, Joan Williams, Joyce Armstrong (Karuah), Maureen kelly and Michael Taylor.

All but a few of the items were sold at the silent auction and the hammer also came down on many other goods donated for the event.  And with 25 great prizes on offer, raffle tickets were quickly snapped up.

Guest speaker Cheryl Milburn gave a moving account of her own personal battle with ovarian cancer. After having been in remission for four years sadly, the cancer has now returned and Cheryl is once again undergoing chemotherapy.  She emphasised the need for early detection and urged the audience to seek advice for even the slightest symptoms.

The Stitch Gatherers group are already working on next year’s Biggest Morning Tea which will feature “Lavender and Lace” with a Devonshire Tea in place of the usual sandwiches and cakes.

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