By Annie44, 26 April, 2017

That's the theme of this year's Biggest Morning Tea where you will be presented with an amazing array of hand crafted coathangers, cushions and doorstops.

Last year the Teddy Bear’s Picnic raised over $2,000 and a good proportion of that amount was from the sale of hand crafted bears and dolls.  So this year, the Stitch Gatherers group decided to come up with some items that would not only be saleable, but useful around the home.

As usual, there will be prizes for the best hand crafted items, which can be made from any materials.  Come on all you guys in the Cove - every year we asked you to get involved so how about making some novelty doorstops like the one pictured?  This would be a great project for your Men’s Shed.

The Biggest Morning Tea will be held Saturday 20 May from 10.00am at the North Arm Cove Community Hall.  Entry fee of $5 includes a plate of sandwiches and cakes, plus tea and coffee. Bring your money with you for the raffles and auctions – there’s some great prizes to be won.  All proceeds will go to the Cancer Council for vital research.

Entries for the competition will need to be delivered to Joan Williams by Friday 19 May. For further details, phone Joan on 4997 3438.


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