"Lavender and Lace" the theme for Biggest Morning Tea

By Annie44, 9 April, 2018


This year, the Stitch Gatherers group bring you some old-world charm for the Biggest Morning Tea, with the sweet fragrance of lavender and the timeless beauty of lace. To be held at the Community Hall on Saturday 5 May, the official start time is 10.00am but you might like to roll up at 9.30 to grab a bargain from the special sale table.

Cancer has touched many residents of the Cove and surrounding areas so the Stitch Gatherers Group would welcome entries for the craft competition that can be auctioned or sold on the day, with all money raised going towards cancer research.  If you’re not ‘crafty’, you may like to donate something lavender or lace related for the special sale table.

There are prizes for the best hand crafted items and you still have time to enter. Entries can be anything lavender, or anything lace or you can combine the two elements.  There’s also a special competition category for children, so get your kids to put their ‘crafty’ caps on and come up with some fun ideas.

If you don’t want to enter the competition, just come along on 5 May and enjoy great company, a delicious Devonshire tea and the chance to pick up some beautifully hand crafted lavender and lace. There will be great raffle prizes to win and many specialty items for sale or auction.  Entry fee is $5.00 and includes morning tea.  All proceeds will go the Cancer Council.

For further information, phone Joan Williams on 4997 3438.

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