Sports encouragement initiative for North Arm Cove students

By Annie44, 23 November, 2014

Members of the North Arm Cove Stitch Gatherers group have put their heads together to come up with an initiative to encourage an interest in sport by young students about to enter High School.

Through various fund-raising activities throughout the year, money will be raised to provide a subsidy of $100.00 for students to spend on sporting fees, garments or products of their choice at the time of commencing High School.

At the end of each year, an awards night will be held and $100.00 distributed to each eligible student.

YESS will launch officially in April 2015, so watch this space.

Committee members Joan Williams, Robyn Mirabito, Wilma Greenway and Annette Searle (pictured here with the Stitch Gatherers team at their recent Christmas lunch), are already working on ideas for fundraisers, with the first to be an β€œAussie High Tea”, which they hope will become an annual event.

With a motto of "Let's Do It", the committee will be working hard to ensure that young Cove residents will be given every opportunity to participate in sporting activities.  In addition to the physical benefits, sport has a strong influence on community and character building.  It  also helps in developing positive character traits and life values.


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