By Annie44, 22 May, 2013
Some of the tea cosies on display

Cosies galore!

These were some of the choices facing the judges at the Biggest Morning Tea on 4 May.  The Tea Cosy competition attracted entries ranging from traditional to totally outrageous and choosing the best in each category was not an easy task.


In the end it was the ‘Croquembouche’ by Annette Searle that took out People’s Choice. Annette’s inspiration came from the first series of MasterChef, where contestants were asked to create the complicated tower of custard and toffee profiteroles often used as wedding cakes. 






Annette also won the best contemporary category for her Julia Gillard cosy.





Overall winner:  Annette Searle    Best Animal:  Lissa Mackquham  Whimsical:  Kath Kohlhoff

Crochet:  Darilyn Hillier  Embroidery:  Joan Williams  From the Garden:  Kay Furley  Classic:  Cheryl Fleming

Contemporary:  Annette Searle  Late entry:  Elizabeth Hillman


The Stitch Gatherers all pitched in to prepare a delicious morning tea of sandwiches and cakes.  As well as the many raffles and auctions, the group also organised a display of wearable art, consisting of items that ranged from scarves and belts to hand-made jewellery and bags.





It was a fun-filledmorning and guests showed their appreciation by bidding fiercely at the auctions and by their generous offers on the tea cosies up for sale after the judging.  Joan Williams whimsical “Owl and the Pussycat” cosy wentfor a $40 and Darilyn Hillyer’s crocheted Koala cosy, bought for $20 has gone off to America to warm a teapot in Kansas.  It all helped to raise an impressive $1,550.00, which exceeded last year’s’ total by $150.

The group are already planning next year’s event, and there will be some surprises in store, including a Biggest Morning Tea challenge for the male members of the community.                                                                                      

The Stitch Gatherers meet every third Wednesday of the month at the Community Hall, 10am to noon.  If you are interested in joining this lively group of ladies who knit or sew (and if there’s a man out there who does either, you’re very welcome) phone Joan Williams on 4997 3438 for further details.


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