Are you prepared for an extreme risk bushfire season?

By bobreid, 20 October, 2023

This year we are facing an extreme risk bushfire situation.

Fuel loads are very high after two wet years, the bush is tinder dry, and this summer is expected to be hot and dry due to an El Nino event. A bush fire could start nearby and spread quickly. Our access road could be cut and help from the RFS may not be available.

Bushfire safety is a personal responsibility and residents need to plan and prepare for their safety, and the safety of family, visitors and homes.

To help our community plan and prepare for a bushfire, a NACCAi subcommittee has prepared a four-page bushfire awareness booklet for the North Arm Cove community. The booklet is based on the fire workshop held in August, and information and advice from the RFS and NSW government departments. It includes information on four simple steps you can take for preparing your own bushfire survival plan.

MidCoast Council has kindly printed the booklet for us.

Over the next week or so volunteers from NACCAi will be door knocking all of the residences in the Cove to provide residents with a copy of the booklet. They will also ask residents if they would like to participate in another bushfire workshop, a bushfire emergency messaging system and if they may need assistance in a bushfire due to mobility issues.

If you would like to find out more about this initiative please contact me by email on or on 0419475496.

A copy of the booklet is attached at the bottom of this page.

I cannot stress enough how important planning for bushfire safety is for the North Arm Cove community. An example of why is the fires this week in the mid-coast community near Kempsey. 20,000 hectares has been burnt out, four homes have been lost, and one person has died. We need to be ready for such a fire event happening to us!

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