Key Emergency Links

This section provides easy to access links to emergency websites that we feel would be of most use to North Arm Cove residents. The websites provide extensive information on preparing for and responding to emergency situations.

Clicking on each purple coloured link will take you directly to the website. 

MidCoast Council links ...

  • Disaster Dashboard
    This website provides a summary of incidents within the MidCoast Council area, including fires and floods, road conditions and Covid 19 cases.

  • Get Ready for Disasters
    This website contains information on preparing your own Bushfire Survival Plan.

  • Emergencies on the MidCoast
    This website contains guidance on many different types of emergencies, including storms, floods, tsunamais, earthquakes, power and telecommunication failures, and fires.


 NSW Rural Fire Service links ... 

  • How Fireproof is Your Plan?
    This website contains a short on-line questionnaire to guide you on how fireproof your bushfire plan is, and whether you should leave early or stay.

  • RFS Fact Sheets
    This website contains an extensive range of fact sheets on fire safety, including at home, at work, whilst travelling or camping, and for pets.

  • North Arm Cove Fire Brigade
    This link takes you to the North Arm Cove Fire Brigade pages on this website.

Emergency Services phone numbers ...

  • Ambulance     Emergency 000
  • Fire-RFS      Emergency 000
  • Police        Emergency 000 otherwise 131 444
  • SES           Emergency help in storms 132 500
  • Red Cross     1800 733 276
  • Health Advice 24-hour health advice 1800 022 222 
  • WIRES         Wildlife Rescue 1300 094 737