Community Protection Plan for North Arm Cove

By sch, 19 February, 2013

At the February meeting of the North Arm Cove Rural Fire Brigade, Sarah Kemble from the RFS attended to explain the Community Protection Plan that is being developed for our village. Given the extremely high level of risk to the Cove in event of a fire, this is deemed to be of the utmost importance. The Plan, which is still in Draft form, requires input from our Brigade, and will be worked on at the February training day. When finalised (hopefully by the end of March) it will go on permanent public display, and also the village will be door-knocked to explain it to residents.

The Brigade (and the village) have been extremely fortunate in that although the season was one of very high fire risk, the majority of call-outs have been to attend fires in other districts. One of the more low-key duties for the Brigade was to provide protection for the Australia Day fireworks display at the Karuah Club.

Please remember that new members are required, and always most welcome.

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