Fire Brigade News

By sch, 22 January, 2013

Report of NACRFS January Meeting. December is the time of the year when Santa does his annual “Lolly Run” and sure enough the children of North Arm Cove and Carrington received their annual treat from Santa in the Big Fire Truck. There was much whooping and wailing of sirens and we apologise to any who thought there was a major disaster in the area! This years event was sponsored by KWA Painting of East Maitland, for which we are most grateful.

The fire season is well and truly upon us, with dry conditions and record-breaking heat prevailing. The brigade had nine call-outs in this month - to motor vehicle accidents, a fire at the Aussie Bush Camp/The Rock, and attendance at fires away from our district. Our active members have also spent days on standby at the Station on days of high to severe danger. With all the fires burning in the state, as well as Victoria and Tasmania, we urge all residents have who have not done so to complete their Bushfire Survival Plans, and prepare their properties. Having a clear plan of action to follow can prevent undue stress and panic in event of a fire.

Three hazard reduction burn plans have been prepared for the north and west of the village, but must await suitable conditions before being carried out. Also Great lakes Council has been requested by Superintendant Darrin Briggs to slash The Ridgeway from Booral Street to Gloucester Street up to its full width of sixty metres in order to provide a fire break for the village. Naturally we hope that we get through the summer without a major fire event threatening the village.

We take this opportunity to wish all members of the community a very happy, healthy,and safe New Year.



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