July Fire Brigade Report

By sch, 21 July, 2012

There was a special presentation at the July meeting of NAC Rural Fire Service. The family of the late Kevin Bull donated a cheque to our Brigade in accordance with his wish that instead of flowers at his funeral, money be donated to NACRFS. His son Geoff and his granddaughter Adrienne (currently a serving member of our Brigade) attended the meeting and handed the cheque to Captain Neal Cook, who expressed his thanks for this generous gesture and also sent condolences to Kevin's wife and family.

It was another quiet month, with the only callout being to a smoke sighting at The Rock camp,where rubbish was being burnt. The wet weather may be keeping the fires away, but this is the season for hazard reduction and unfortunately it has been too wet to successfully carry out any burns.

Maintenance of equipment and vehicles is carried out on the first Saturday of the month, and member training occirs on the last Satirday of the month. New members are always most welcome.

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