By sch, 14 May, 2013


Some enthusiastic members of our brigade have been participating in intensive training to further enhance their skills and strengthen the Brigade's fire fighting abilities.

We have two fully trained bushfire recruits in Luke Ward and Robert Leslie – thanks and congratulations to them. Bev Hughes, Ben Hughes, John Aaltonen and Luke Mansfield have successfully completed training as village fire fighters, and Bev and Luke Mansfield have also completed first aid certificates. This is a great effort.

Six new hand-held radios have been purchased for use in the field, these will definitely be an improvement on the old ones and allow communication β€œloud and clear” between operatives on the fire ground.

A successful hazard reduction burn was carried out on Sat. 11th May from west of the Station to Uralla Street and along behind the Community Centre. More burns are planned for the β€œoff” season, so hopefully we will get suitable weather conditions to enable these to go ahead.

The Brigade will celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the opening of the Fire Station in September, and the community is being asked to contribute ideas on how to celebrate . (See separate article).

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