NACRFS Report from Sept. meeting

By sch, 13 September, 2012

August was another quiet month for the NAC Brigade, with three call-outs, and Neal Cook, Bev and Ben Hughes spending five days assisting at Kempsey. Ben Hughes was presented with his First Aid Certificate – congratulations Ben!

Maureen Kelly attended the September meeting to give a progress report on the recording of the history of the Brigade. She has completed interviews with relevant members past and present, and is now keen to meet informally with Brigade members to gain some anecdotes, for an amusing angle on firefighting.

The Brigade received a Fire Note from the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre outlining the Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for 2012- 2013. The area west of the Dividing Range across to Western Australia is predicted to have above normal bushfire activity as a result of heavy rainfalls in the past two years which have promoted abundant grass growth. However the fire potential for the forested areas of the east coast of NSW is expected to be average due to average fuel moisture. Average fire potential can still produce fast and hot fires, so residents need to ensure that their blocks are cleared of hazards.

The Fire Season starts on 1st of October, and of course there is NO burning off without a permit after that time. The number to contact for permits, and to report a fire is 6539 7700 – RFS Fire Control at Tuncurry. Members of the NAC Firewise group will be doorknocking soon to deliver copies of Plan, Act, Survive, which gives  procedures for residents to follow when planning for a fire.

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