Neal Cook Re-elected as Captain at AGM

By sch, 13 June, 2013

At the AGM of the North Arm Cove RFS, held on 4th June, Neal Cook was unanimously re-elected as President and Captain of the Brigade. In summing up the year, he said that it had been a relatively quiet one; however the Brigade had been called to assist with fires outside its area such as Gloucester and Dungog, and had also been called on to carry out a rare duty of pumping storm water from people's basements after the heavy rain in March. He thanked all members for their contributions to the effectiveness of the Brigade.

Kellie McLeod from RFS Fire Control, Tuncurry presided over the elections which as well as Neal, resulted in the following members being elected :- Senior Deputy Captain – Mark Lewis; Vice President-Steve Gee; Deputy Captains- Geoff Lowe and Luke Mansfield (to be confirmed on completion of his Advanced Fire Fighter Course}; Training Officer- Mark Lewis; Equipment Officers – Geoff Lowe, Luke Mansfield, and Steve Gee.

Our Brigade has grown both in numbers and expertise this past year, and we look forward to another challenging and fulfilling year ahead. We are however always in need of more members, so please contact us if you are interested in joining. You will be made very welcome.


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