By Annie44, 19 September, 2013
All the fun of the fair

All the fun of the fair


While the electoral votes were being counted, the Garden Network totted up the takings from their fundraising activities and were more than delighted with the results. Just over $1,000 in sales and donations was raised and these funds will be used to expand the garden and go towards the purchase of an irrigation system.

A lot of hard work went into getting such a great result, with many garden network volunteers putting their time and effort into organising the event and manning the stalls on the day.  Then there were all the generous Cove residents who gave items to be sold on the trash and treasure stall and IGA Karuah, Woolworths Raymond Terrace and Bi-Lo Tea Gardens who donated goods for the BBQ.

So, a big thanks and hugs from the Community Garden Network to everyone who was involved in making the day so successful.

A couple of special mentions are in order:  Jan and Susan Carter for the Whipper Snipper (which will be put to very good use in the garden) and Ira Knight for a very generous $50 donation plus a potted plant for the raffle.

Lucky raffle winners on the day were Ellen Kreiger, Robyn Mirabito and the Cox family from Tea Gardens.

All the stalls did a brisk business but the most popular by far on the day was the BBQ.  It seems Cove voters came with a healthy appetite for sausage or bacon and egg "Sangers". Visitors to the Cove, Edwige and Kevin did a stellar job in manning the grill.

For those not in the mood for a hot breakfast, the cake stall beckoned with its array of luscious cakes and slices, washed down with a nice cup of tea or coffee.

There were bargains galore to be had on the 'trash and treasure' stalls and at the end of the day, instead of having to pack up and store the unsold items, they have gone off to Pindimar for their November market.

Here are Adrienne, Bella and Arlee displaying the cupcakes they made, with more yummy offerings in the foreground.

While some members were busy on the stalls, others were taking 'tours' of the garden.  There was something for the young ones as well, with Shane Martin building a bamboo "Teepee" that will also act as a climbing frame for a new crop of beans.

Whichever way you voted on the day, we do know one thing.  It was a great result for the Community Garden Network.

Remember too, that this project is for the whole community and there are many ways to enjoy the garden.  You could volunteer as a "waterer" and enjoy picking a few crops as your reward.  If you just enjoy picking, a donation would be most welcome, either cash or goods that can be used in the garden (tools, hoses, manure etc.).

Come along any Wednesday morning and see how you can get involved.  The early warm weather means spring crops will be planted soon, so we should be picking greens and herbs in the next month.

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