By Annie44, 18 November, 2014

Fragrant Asian Galangal

Get ready for the dry months ahead – choose from a variety of home grown, drought tolerant plants. Great for your own garden, or give as a gift for Christmas.

  • WALKING IRIS (Neomarica gracilis) self propagating, tolerates wide range of soil and light conditions.  Mass together for taller ground cover in shaded areas.  Can also be used in borders, beds and containers (including indoors).
  • BRAHMI (Bacopa monnieri).Traditional Indian Herb, more commonly called the “Happy Herb”.   Said to be good for improving memory and blood circulation.  It is used to treat many conditions.  Hardy ground cover with small red flowers


  • RED CEDAR (Toona ciliata). One of Australia’s few native deciduous trees, shedding its leaves for winter and putting on a spectacular bright red new growth in spring. Very tall, grows up to 40m high and 1-2m in diameter. 
  • GALANGAL (Zingiberaceae – ginger family)A member of the ginger family with culinary and medicinal uses originating in Indonesia.  Used in Asian cuisines. Although related to, and resembling ginger, it has a slightly different flavour profile.
  • CARDAMOM GINGER (Alpinia nutans). Podless Cardamom variety grown for its edible foliage.  Great tropical screen.  Leaves can be used in cooking, to wrap food or to make a tasty herb tea.


  • AGAVE (Agave attenuata).  Easy to maintain, excellent  plant for very hot and dry conditions.

PRICES RANGE FROM $3 TO $10 – MINIMUM ORDER $10.00  Samples of the above plants can be viewed any time at the North Arm Cove Community Garden.

To order, phone Philippa 4997 3117 Free delivery (North Arm Cove only). Proceeds from all plant sales received before Christmas will go to the North Arm Cove Community Garden Network for materials and equipment.


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