Community garden thriving despite a long, hot summer.

By Annie44, 15 April, 2014

It was pretty hot from the end of 2013 until just recently and the community gardeners had to learn some hard lessons in how to keep a garden going in difficult conditions.

Although plant growth was somewhat limited, the garden still managed to produce beans, pumpkins, peppers, chillies, capsicums, spinach and herbs, plus a trial crop of gourds and loofas.

 Thanks to the NSW Community Partnership Program, the 33.000 litre water tank has now been delivered and installed. This will bring welcome relief for plants and gardeners alike.  Recent rains have also helped the garden along and provided a start to the water supply for the new tank and irrigation system.

We are planning a special event in May to celebrate the completion of the tank project.

The winter planting includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tatsoi, bok choy, winter rocket, lettuce, tomato, all year round beans, broad beans, eggplant and peas.  There’s also a variety of herbs and a plentiful supply of chillies.  Our small orchard now includes citrus, fig and some self-sown paw-paw.

Several new members have joined the garden network and they bring with them many years of experience in growing food. 

During the year we have also been fortunate to have some young, overseas visitors with a keen interest in gardening, who have assisted with planting, composting and some of the heavier work.  Pictured are garden network members with two young visiting helpers.

You are welcome to join us on Wednesday morning, 9 to 11am, or phone Philippa Coltart on 4997 3117.  Donations of manure, unused gardening tools, seedlings and other garden items are most welcome.

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