By Annie44, 25 March, 2013
Pumpkin and Eggplant ready for picking

Fresh from the garden!

New seedlings have been planted in readiness for Autumn/Winter and the Community Garden Network is looking forward to some great results. 

The summer crop was extremely successful and thankfully, there were very few failures. Ready for picking now are pumpkin, eggplant and a good selection of herbs. The eggplants have an amazing flavour, with none of the bitterness associated with the ‘supermarket’ variety. And if you fancy your meal on the 'hot' side, several varieties of Chilli will start to bear fruit in the coming weeks.

The Compost Tea demonstration had to be cancelled, as Shane Martin was an unfortunate victim of the recent heavy rain and lost some of his compost making equipment.  This event will be held at a date to be advised.

Grass clippings are most welcome and can be placed near the compost bins, but if you don’t want to drive onto the site, leave them at the top and the garden network members will take care of them.

Working days at the garden are Wednesday and Saturday 8am to 10am – Come along and talk to the members and sample some produce.

If you are interested in joining the Community Garden Network, please contact Maria Pickles 4997 3045 or Philippa Coltart 4997 3117.

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