Ever wanted to be able to predict the weather?

By Annie44, 15 January, 2013
How nature's rhythms affect your garden.

Drive the "Astro Calendar"

Attention all you keen Cove gardeners - if you've ever wanted to find out more about predicting weather patterns, or how to drive the "Astro Calendar",  all will be revealed at a Hunter Biodynamics Group seminar in February.

Other topics in this two day presentation will include:

  • Weather, earth and the human being
  • Star watch
  • Constellation stories
  • Music of the spheres

Brian Keats returns to present the popular workshop he last held six years ago.   This is a great opportunity to learn how to read, interpret and understand the movement and rhythms of the sun, moon and stars and how they relate to your garden.  

To be held at Tocal Agricultural College, the program commences Friday February 8 at 6.30pm, when Brian will talk about the importance and influence of Biodynamics for the resurrection of the Earth and the implications for mankind.  On Saturday February 9, the all day workshop will cover understanding and using the Antipodean Astro Calendar plus Brian's weather forecasting technique.  

All welcome for the Friday meeting - bookings essential for the Saturday workshop.

For further information contact  0457 402 138 or email info@hunterbiodynamic.org.au.  For further information on the Hunter Biodynamics Group, go to http://www.hunterbiodynamic.org.au/


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