Garden Bed Protectors Stolen

By mpickles, 26 September, 2012


The brand new raised garden beds came with protectors so that people working the garden would not harm themselves on the sharp edges.

Sometime between Monday 24 and Wednesday 26 someone has removed the edging from all three of the raised garden beds.

Whoever has stolen them please return or if you know of who did ask them on our behalf to return them to the garden.

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Hi Firstly to say that the Community Garden Network is a fantastic initiative and really important for food security, children's education, sharing and trust building in our special village. When we hear about things stolen or damage to the Community Hall the reaction is to put up fences, get police to patrol etc. But I just saw an episode of Gardening Australia where a Community Garden group said they didn't want to put up fences as it would make it look like it wasn't open and accessible to everyone in the Community. I know we can blame 'outsiders' but if we can keep open with a generosity of spirit... that feels like a better way to go. We just donated some garden hose to put round the colorbond edging and someone has already offered to cut and fit. Thanks for all your work on getting this up and growing.