Garden Group Self Assessment of Produce Comes up Trumps

By mpickles, 11 May, 2018
Garden members tasting

Tasting of Jams and Pickles


Garden Product Stall at the North Arm Cove - Market Day Monday 11 June 

There is no doubt in the minds of the Garden members that the produce available for the community at the Market Day is outstanding. This year we have a special Phillipino Papaya pickle made by Emma Morota along with a range of Rosella Jams made by Sue, Bill, Maria and Phillipa, and of course a range of delicious marmalades. Bill Mollar's recipes are becoming famous around the Cove and beyond, with a jar fetching $150 at an auction. 

Recently we all tasted a wide range of produce and voted all winners, which is an outstanding result. Conserves, pickles, jams and marmalades which will be exclusively available at North Arm Cove. Rosella Jam - an Aussie Favourite - made by 3 garden members, Lemon and Lime Marmalades, Lemon and Orange Marmalades, Retro Green Tomotoe and Choko Pickles, Zing pickles - with a list of ingredients as long as your arm.

Jars are generous sizes and there are sort after recipes so best to come early to have  the best pic.

Are you interested in having a stall at the Market Day? Stalls are only $10.00 and are selling fast. Contact Elizabeth Deane on 49973258 or Moira Hooper 49973074

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