By Annie44, 18 September, 2012
The BBQ in full swing

Anyone for breakfast?

The garden will be growing very well, thanks to the generosity of North Arm Cove residents at the recent Council election “Big Breakfast.  In addition, the Community Centre Management Committee generously donated $200.

Over $350 profit was made on the day.  These funds, plus the $200 donation will be used to buy vegie mesh to protect the garden from wildlife and other essential supplies.

Garden Network members were on the job from 6.30am.  The first breakfast order was taken at 8.30 and the BBQ grill ran non-stop untill mid afternoon.  As well as taking their turn as ‘short order cooks’, the garden team were kept busy selling local produce and raffle tickets.

A big thank you to volunteers Emma, Jess and Karen Lyall and their friend Mary Lou who helped sell produce, took food orders and made sure no-one left without buying raffle tickets.  Thanks also to the many friends and family members who worked behind the scenes to make sure the event was a great success.

Lucky raffle winners were:

  • Robyn Gee – Food Hamper
  • Tony Hann – Wine and Chocolate Hamper
  • Brenda Edwards – Jewellery piece (donated by Adrienne Francis of Vitamin Bead).

Maureen Kelly draws the winning tickets:

Apart from raising much needed funds, we also wanted to let North Arm Cove residents know what the garden is all about.  We hope it will be a place for people to meet and share their love of gardening.  Some new members were recruited on the day and they will be joining us soon.  We will be planting and tending the garden every Wednesday morning, so come along and see for yourself.  Watch the ‘garden grow’!

Another fundraiser will be held in the near future, but in the meantime, any donations would be greatly appreciated, particularly garden stakes, a wheelbarrow and any gardening tools that you no longer need.


We have added a garden page to the North Arm Cove website and have also created a Facebook page so if you are on Facebook, please “Like” us.  If you’re not on Facebook, it’s a great reason to sign up.  Future events and garden progress will be posted on these sites regularly.


Members of the garden network will meet Wednesday mornings and the first Saturday of each month.

9-11am Wednesday 19 September

  • Climbing plants, mini beds for tomatoes, beans etc.
  • Planting a bed with zucchinis and dwarf beans, greens.

9-11am Wednesday 26 September

  • Planned visit from The Green Community Project.
  • More planting.

9am-11am Saturday 6 October

  • Setting up a communal area including a noticeboard for displaying tasks, watering schedules and any other relevant information.
  • Public meeting to confirm constitution and elect members.

If you are interested in joining the garden just come along to one of the meetings or workshops.  For further information contact:

  • Maria Pickles       4997 3045
  • Philippa Coltart   4997 3117
  • Kerryan Griffin    4997 3072


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