By Annie44, 25 May, 2013
Assembling the new beds

New beds for the garden


There has been a lot going on in the garden over the last few months.  Great Lakes Council generously donated a mulching mower so the grass around the beds can be trimmed regularly.  The garden now looks a lot neater and it makes watering, planting and weeding much easier.

New beds have been planted with winter veggies, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, swedes, beetroot and broad beans.  And there are plenty of leafy vegetables including spinach, salad greens and several varieties of peas.  If you like it hot, there are a couple of varieties of Chilli, from mild to hot.  The tomato bushes are flourishing and producing lots of succulant little cherry tomatoes.

The first chillis

To create some atmosphere and define the garden boundary, a lemongrass and rosemary hedge has been planted.  Alan Woodrow has been busy collecting and painting up old wheelbarrows in preparation for a special garden feature.


A working bee will be held Saturday 29 June from 9am until lunchtime to clear noxious  weeds (e.g. Lantana and Bitou bush) from around the community hall and lay out pathways for the labyrinth, a space for the community to walk, read, meditate or just enjoy a beautiful bushland setting.  The recent burn off has made the job a little easier, but there is still plenty of work to be done, so volunteers are welcome. No really heavy work is involved and everyone is invited to stay on afterward for a well-earned sausage sizzle, some wine and pizza. This is a great opportunity to see what the Community Garden Network is all about and meet with other keen gardeners.


If you are looking to start your own worm farm, the community garden have some  for sale at $15.00 for 125g (or 500 worms).  All proceeds will go to the garden fund.  Contact Maria Pickles 4997 3045.


On Election Day, 14 September 2013, the Community Garden Network will be holding a car boot sale to raise funds for garden supplies and equipment.  Here’s your chance to get rid of some of that stuff cluttering up your house or garage.  If you don’t have anything for sale, just come along and pick up a great bargain after casting your vote.  Browsing is thirsty work so there will be tea, coffee and cakes on sale at the garden network cake stall.

Car or stall spaces are $10, or you can donate your unwanted items to the Garden Network to sell.  To book a stall phone Philippa Coltart 4997 3117.  To donate items to the garden stall, phone Maria Pickles 4997 3045 or Robin Mirabito 0411 879 060 to arrange collection (will depend on size of item).

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