By Annie44, 27 October, 2014

A captive audience

The Native Bee Workshop held on 11 October was a huge success, with over 85 people attending.  Apiarists, farmers, students and gardeners came from all parts of NSW to hear Megan Halcroft of Bee’s Business talk about the role and habits of native bees in our environment.

There are over 20000 species of bees and Australia is home to 1600. Without both the European bee and the Native bees we would not have the diversity required to maintain a healthy ecosystem in which to grow food. In Australia we need to keep a close watch on protecting our bees from the ravages of pesticides and herbicides, and imported mites and diseases carried by imported bees.

The morning session was followed by a top quality catered lunch that included produce from our own community garden.

Congratulations to the caterer, Tony Stokes on a beautifully presented and delicious spread.

One of the main threats to the survival of our native bees is the destruction of habitat. In the afternoon the workshop moved outside where Megan Halcroft gave a practical demonstration of how to build and fill a “bee hotel” with soft reedy wood, lantana and bamboo.  Members of the Community Garden Network had worked extremely hard to prepare bee hotels in advance and participants were given one to take home so they can continue to learn about, and study native bees.

What event would be complete without a raffle? First and second prizes were kindly donated by Annette and Lawrie Searle.  First was Annette’s prize winning “Community Garden” second a Cyclops light trail bicycle and third an organic skin care pack donated by the Soap Man.  Unfortunately the first and third prize winners left before we could get their names, but Anne McGuyer from Medowie Community Gardens was the lucky winner of the bicycle and said it would go to her Grandson.  Funds raised from the raffle will go towards new gardens beds.

The Garden Network has received emails from participants to say how much they enjoyed the workshop.  There were also many complimentary comments on the day about the Community Centre and North Arm Cove in general.  North Arm Cove is a great venue to host similar events in the future.


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