$1200 raised for the Community Association

By janiner, 26 July, 2020

In the last few months you may have noticed many new sponsor ads on the website. These ads are located in 4 positions on the sides of the home page. Up to six ads cycle randomly in each location. Most of our ads have links to the sponsor’s own webpage or to a page on our website with more details about the sponsor. If you hover over an ad and click, you will go to these pages. The ads also appear randomly on several other pages on our website and at the bottom of our weekly email.

The sponsors all provide local services. Did you know that there is an afterhours doctor? Do you need an electrician or need a quote for a new kitchen? Or do you just want to know the phone number of the butcher? Check our website first. To get a list of our sponsors, just click on the blue box titled “Local Info” at the top of the home page and then click on “Sponsors and Donors”. It takes you to a page where all the ads are listed. If you would like to have a sponsored ad, the cost is only $50 per annum and we can make an ad for you if you provide some basic information, maybe a photo or a digital copy of your logo.

Sponsors are very important for the running of the website. The money raised goes towards the website costs and the remainder is used to pay for expenses such as insurance of the North Arm Cove Community Association. So far we have filled 21 of the 24 positions and have raised $1205. If our advertisers are happy, we should be able to raise over $1000 per annum for very little effort, so please let them know if you have seen them on our site. In fact, since the creation of the website 8 years ago, the website has contributed over $6000 towards the North Arm Cove Community Association’s running costs.

We also provide a free Service Directory. Go to the same “Local Info” box at the top of the home page and click on “Service Directory”. If you would like to list your business, please contact me at websitesc.naccai@gmail.com . This directory is an important source of local information and lists things such as hospitals, JP’s and so on. If you need a local service, it is a quick way of finding the contact details.

The North Arm Cove Community website is arguably one of the best community websites in Australia. It is the brainchild of our local IT whiz, Doug Kohlhoff and has been running for 8 years. Doug has had help from many local residents, particularly the various editors and contributors. Tony Hann has played a vital role as backup administrator since the website’s inception and continues in this role. He was also the sponsor coordinator for the first few years. Bob Reid is the current administrator and I have taken over the role of sponsor coordinator.

Registered website users get an email every Monday or Tuesday containing the first few lines of every new article in the last week and a link to the article. You do not have to be a member of the North Arm Cove Community Association Inc to be a registered user, but you should have an association with the Cove.  Registered users can contact the editors and other registered users via the website. If you wish to become a registered user, please contact me at websitesc.naccai@gmail.com .

Security is very important for our website. Doug K (with Bob R and Tony H watching for training purposes) has just carried out a major security upgrade and an even more substantial upgrade will be required within the next 18 months.

The website is a community resource. We welcome articles on a whole range of topics from short stories, funny incidents and photos to news from special interest groups. You don’t have to be an editor to contribute articles or photos to the website. Just go to the blue ‘My Web’ tab at the top of the web page and click on the dropdown menu ‘contribute’ and follow the prompts. Alternatively you can email your article and photos to websitesc.naccai@gmail.com and we will load it for you. Just remember to check the ‘Code of Conduct’ before you load any article. You can find the ‘Code of Conduct’ by clicking on the blue ‘My Web’ tab and then ‘Editor Info’ on the dropdown menu. We would welcome some new editors (only basic computer literacy is required and training is provided) or anyone who has some technical expertise for the harder tasks.

Please support our website. It is a wonderful community resource.

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