The Approaching Fire Season - Be Prepared

By sch, 13 September, 2012

The 2012 - 2013 Fire Season commences on 1st October. Burning off, even a small pile of garden rubbish, is not permitted after that time without a permit.

Residents can reduce the risk of their property catching alight by following a few common sense steps such as removing combustible rubbish from their blocks, keeping gutters clear of leaves,and keeping garden mulch away from the house, etc. 

Owners of vacant blocks who are unable to carry out clearing and or slashing themselves can contact Great Lakes Council, who have a list of contractors who carry out this type of work.

Members of the Cove's Firewise Group will shortly be distributing a booklet "Prepare, Act, Survive" which contains information to enable residents to prepare a bushfire survival plan.

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