By Loal Conroy, 14 December, 2022

Sunday 18 December at approximately 6 pm

All Cove residents are invited to donate lights and attend the third annual Christmas Light Party at Heros Beach.

Bring your own food, refreshments, seating (and maybe moquito repellent)!  A gas BBQ will be available.

Anyone who would like to donate solar lights are welcome to string them up among the trees in the park / reserve or drop them off to: Jim Parnell at 52 Promotory Way - Tel: 0480 222 169, who will gladly put them up for you.

A short Working Bee to check the park area, string the last lights and clean up the beach will be held on Saturday 17th December at 4 pm - feel free to come along and help.

The lights will remain up for the festive season and NYE - for all residents to enjoy.  We hope you will join us!

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