Cove rock d'artist strikes again!

By bobreid, 22 February, 2024
Rock art

Our resident rock d'artist has struck again!

I noticed this wonderful little piece of artwork yesterday at Yallarwah Park.

It is a lovely little painting on a black rock, neatly placed under a Casuarina tree.

I still don't know who the artist is - maybe this little rock d'art is a self portrait.

If I am right and it is a self portrait, then:

  • the artist is female, possibly a young woman,
  • she has red/orange hair,
  • she has blue eyes,
  • she wears colorful glasses, maybe mauve at the moment,
  • she has pierced ears and wears black earings,
  • she loves bright colours,
  • she wears big floppy hats to keep the sun off her face,
  • and loves being out under a blue sky.

So who is she, this wonderful rock d'artist who leaves colorful little rock art all around the Cove? Rock art that "makes my day", and leaves me feeling how wonderful our Cove is every time I see a new one!


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