Developing a Community Plan for North Arm Cove Locality

By mpickles, 7 March, 2020

North Arm Cove is developing a Community Plan. All stakeholders in the locality, Non Urban Land Holders, Village People, and Rural Land Holders must be involved. All groups such as community committees, and groups should also be involved. I have provided a link to the draft plan that was started after a survey of village residents last year.
This is only a start as we need to add all the works requested that are existing....only a few.

The Community Engagement Team from Council will be available in April to visit the representatives of groups in the locality, and the wider community to discuss and confirm the priorities. Mid Coast Council Community Planning Framework provides an outline of the process.MidCoast-Council-Local-Community-Planning-Framework (1).pdf

Council will not likely agree to everything..such as a lap pool and other projects involving allocation of grants and funding. It is not a wish list.

The scope of the plan is 4 years which fits the planning schedule of council so this plan will be starting in the next financial year - 2020 - 2024. Plans will be reviewed at least every 4 years and will be updated from time to time.

Note that the Council Elections will be held in September 2020 and the Councillors will have the task of monitoring the outcomes.

Once the plan is developed the plan will be discussed with the Southern Area Reference Group of Mid Coast Council. The SRG will adopt the plan as a geographical area plan for Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest, Pindimar, Bundabah and North Arm Cove.
Community Profile North Arm Cove Updated Feb 2020 MP.pdf

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