Don’t forget - LEP submissions close this Sunday night

By bobreid, 11 July, 2024

If you have any concerns at all about the new MidCoast LEP please lodge a submission. You have up to midnight this coming Sunday 14 June.

Some points to consider:

  • under the proposed zoning we could end up with dozens of environmental living 5 hectare blocks between the village, Carrington and Gooreenji Road, such as at Brackens Bay, alongside Bulga Creek, and in the high quality bush between Carrington Road and the Karuah Nature Reserve. The Environmental Living zone should not go ahead.
  • MidCoast Council proposes to downgrade the Heros Beach Reserve from public recreation  to environmental management - it should stay as public recreation (RE1) zoning.
  • The exempt and complying development provision should be removed from the LEP for the paper subdivision land as Council originally planned to do.
  • All Council owned land in the paper subdivision should be rezoned as C2 for environmental conservation and kept in public ownership forever.

    It is really important that you have your say and lodge a submission, no matter how short it is, objecting to the proposed LEP.


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