Draft Rural MidCoast Strategy - consultation period extended

By bobreid, 31 October, 2021

MidCoast Council has extended the consultation period for its draft Rural Strategy for 10 weeks until 28 January 2022.

This is because Council and Councillors were getting many phone calls and emails on the strategy and wanted to make sure that affected landowners had sufficient time to review the proposal and to contact Council officers with any queries.

The draft Rural Strategy affects all landowners in North Arm Cove - it applies to all rural zoned land, and the North Arm Cove village is zoned Rural RU5, and the surrounding non-urban land is zoned Rural RU2.

So if you own land in the village or the non-urban area, you should read this draft strategy and lodge a submission with Council. If you support the proposed changes you should inform Council, and if you don't support them you should also inform Council and advise why not.

You can access the draft strategy and lodge a submission through the following link:

Know Your Rural Zone | Have Your Say (nsw.gov.au)


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