Fame Cove Developer has Change of Plans

By leny, 7 October, 2018

Meetings held in the Cove during July and September have revealed some proposed new directions for developments at the Fame Cove Properties belonging to Mr Lee's company, Tea Garden Farms.

The North Arm Cove Residents Association Fame Cove Sub Committee, supplemented by representatives from Bundabah and Pindimar, has been meeting with Mr Lee’s Project Delivery Manager: Stuart Murray of Site R&D. Stuart is contracted to plan and initiate works ordered by the Land and Environment Court on 25 September 2017. Those orders followed proceedings brought by Midcoast Council.

The works discussed include the proper construction of roads, tracks and drainage to prevent erosion and run off. This has been causing siltation and pollution of Fame Cove and Port Stephens. So far only temporary run-off controls are in place.

The property of 400 hectares, mostly bushland, was found to have around 24 kilometres of roads and tracks. The Court has ordered the closure and revegetation of 8 kilometres plus rehabilitation of other areas where clearing and works were carried out without permit. This rehabilitation is intended to return the property to the condition and state it was in back in August 2014.

Detailed and extensive reports have been prepared in compliance with the Court Orders and have been lodged with Midcoast Council for approval prior to any works being carried out.

Works presently awaiting approval are expected to commence in the New Year and include two asphalt roads: one to the D/A-approved large house site (no building permit yet sought); and another from Bundabah to Fame Cove to another pre-determined house site on the shoreline of Fame Cove. Both these roads would be private.

Works if approved are expected to have noise impacts on North Arm Cove and Bundabah Villages during construction and assurances have been given that EPA Noise Standards will be monitored and not be exceeded.

All works Ordered by the Court are to be completed by December 2020.

Stuart Murray also advised the Sub Committee that Mr Lee no longer wishes to seek rezoning of the land to create a $200 million State Significant Project including an Eco Tourist Resort. Instead, the current proposal is to re-subdivide the land into 6 to 8 Lots. This is believed to be allowable within the current Rural Zoning and will enable the sale of a large portion of the land whilst retaining the balance for Mr Lee's own use. These proposed re-subdivision plans have not yet been fully considered by the developer.

Our Sub Committee suggested that the proposed new subdivision may enable the relocation of the inappropriate predetermined house site and design (by a previous owner 2004) from the present location on the Fame Cove shoreline to another less public location which would preserve the present unspoilt natural sightlines highly valued by the community and present less risk to the more recently proclaimed Marine Park in Fame Cove

Len Yearsley : Chairman Fame Cove Sub Committee.
North Arm Cove Residents Association


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