Final rural strategy and paper subdivision report approved, and development of new LEP and DCP to commence

By bobreid, 18 December, 2022

On last Wednesday 14 December 2022 MidCoast Council adopted the final version of the Rural Strategy and the Paper Subdivision Analysis Report, and decided to commence the development of the new Mid Coast Council Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).

The final versions of the Rural Strategy and the Paper Subdivision Analysis Report were based on the earlier draft versions that were on public display from August 2021 to February 2022 - there were 431 submissions made to Council on these draft documents.

Only minor changes were made to the draft versions.

For the North Arm Cove Paper Subdivision, the following recommendations were made in the Paper Subdivision Analysis Report:

  • the paper subdivision be identified in the local environmental plan;
  • the land in Crown and Council ownership be identified in an appropriate conservation zone;
  • land affected by coastal wetlands be rezoned C2 Environmental Conservation;
  • remaining areas are to be allocated an C3 Environmental Management zone and minimum lot size of 20 hectares, to reflect the environmental constraints and management requirements.

It will take about 3 years to complete and adopt the new LEP and DCP. Draft versions of these documents will be placed on public exhibition for community consultation before they are completed, but this will not be till about mid 2024 at the earliest.

I have attached to this post copies of the report to Councillors on the rural strategy and the summary of recommendations. The main documents (Rural Strategy and the Paper Subdivision Analysis Report) are in one file that is too big to post on our website - if you wish to download this file you can by clicking on this link and downloading the attachment for item 14.8 - but beware it is 89Mb in size.

When the individual reports are available on Council's website, we will provide links to them in a seperate post.


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