Free Funded Vaccines- are you eligible?

By janiner, 17 June, 2020

Dr Hennes from the Karuah Medical Centre has provided the following list of all the free funded vaccines for protection this winter 2020.

Free seasonal Influenza vaccine is funded for the following groups at higher risk of complications from Influenza. 

All aboriginal and Torres strait islander people aged 6 months and over. 

all children aged 6 months to less than 5 years of age (including aboriginal 

              and medically at risk). 

All individual aged 5 years and over with medical risk conditions , namely :  

               Cardiac disease 

            β€― Chronic respiratory or neurological conditions 

             Impaired immunity ( including HIV, malignancy and Chronic steroid use) 

            Diabetes and chronic metabolic diseases,β€―chronic renal failure  

             and haemoglobinopathies.              

             Children aged 6 months to 10 years on long term aspirin therapy 

All pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy) 

People aged 65 years and over (Vaccine that is specifically designed to produce a higher immune response is available for this group) 


Free Pneumonia vaccine for all 65 years and over, Aboriginal 50 years and over .  

  Aboriginal 15-49 years with medical risk factors . 


 Free Shingles vaccine for  all 70 - 79 years old


Free Measles  containing vaccines (MMR) for those borne during or after 1966 who have not previously had 2 documented doses  

All health care card holders and children < 16 are bulk billed 

Please call Gwenda for an appointment.

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