Gary's favourite sayings

By Anonymous, 1 April, 2021

"Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there."

(John Wooden)

Every week for the next few weeks I am going to put one of my favourite sayings on the website. They are all thought provoking and inspirational, and I hope that readers find them interesting and challenging. Please give us your feedback and comments on them, tell us what you think of them.

Many of them have been around for a long time - are they still relevant in todays world? - post your comments and feedback on the website.

I would love to hear suggestions for interesting, thought provoking and inspirational sayings that you think are relevant today - send them by email to me at and we will post them on the website too.

I feel that this first saying is quite relevant in todays political world - how many politicians get to the top, but don't have the character to stay there!


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