Have your Say- MidCoast Council

By janiner, 31 August, 2022

MidCoast Council is always updating its policies and documents. As time goes on, some documents are updated or there are new projects, and these are all advertised through the “Have Your Say” part of the Council website. The webpage allows ratepayers to contribute to this process.

The current set of documents being reviewed are:

Draft Rezoning Application Policy
Draft Barking Dogs (Animal Noise) Policy
Draft Control of Open Burning Policy
Draft Tree Maintenance on Council Managed Land policy

Submissions on these documents are open until 4.30pm Wednesday 5 October 2022.

To make sure that you don’t miss any documents or projects that might be relevant to you, you can register to get an email every time that there is a new document/project or you can specify to receive updates based on your areas of interest. Learn more at haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au. You don’t need to use a computer to have your say. Write to Council if you wish to lodge a submission by mail or ring Council for further information.

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