Hazards Near Me - a very useful app for monitoring bushfires near you

By bobreid, 30 September, 2023
Hazards Near Me app logo

With a potential high risk fire season rapidly approaching, the Hazards Near Me app is a very useful app to put on your apple or android smartphone. It was developed by the NSW Government and shows current information about local emergencies, including flood, bushfire and tsunamis, and advice on what to do to stay safe. The app can send you push notifications when there are new incidents or when information changes.

With the app you can set a watch zone around your property - such as a radius of x kilometres - and the app will send a notification to your phone when there is an incident reported within your watch zone. I have set mine at 8 kilometres which goes to Karuah and just past the Myall Way/M1 intersection. The app can be configured for fires, floods and tsunamis.

The app is free and can be quickly and easily downloaded, and adding your own watchzone is easy. Multiple watchzones can be added. It also has a map of NSW showing all reported incidents - you can use the map to look for incidents in places where you are planning to go.

I strongly recommend that you put this app on your smartphone and configure a watchzone around your property. It could save your life one day.

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