Help stop the burnouts - tell us about your burnout experiences!

By bobreid, 28 January, 2025

Help stop the burnouts - tell us about the impacts of the burnouts on you, your families and your visitors.

We would like to put together a dossier on the impacts that the burnouts at the Gooreengi Road/Somerset Avenue intersection are having on North Arm Cove, Carrington and Tahlee residents and visitors.

We have heard stories of residents being intimidated or threatened driving through burnout groups at night, getting flat tyres from burnout debris left on the road, and followed home in a threatening manner by burnout participants. Residents have also reported spending time cleaning up burnout debris from the road so motorists can drive through safely.

To put a human touch to the issue, we would like to document these experiences with the burnouts, to put into a dossier to present to Council, the State Government and the media, as part of a call for urgent action.

So, please tell us about your experiences with the burnouts, and that of your families and visitors.

Have you, your family members, or visitors:

  • felt threatened, intimidated or frightened driving through them?

  • got a flat tyre or damaged your vehicle from burnout debris?

  • been followed home by burnout participants?

  • had to stop and remove burnout debris from the roadway?

  • been adversely impacted in some other way?

You can tell us by:

  • sending details in an email to

  • printing and completing the form on the back of the attached letter, and sending a photo or scan of it to, or putting it in the NACCAi mailbox at the NAC Community Centre, or mailing it to NACCAi at 297 The Ridgeway, North Arm Cove, NSW 2324

  • or texting the details to 0419 475 496.

In putting together the dossier, no personal details such as names, email addresses, phone numbers etc will be included, so your privacy is assured and you can be as candid as you like in describing your experiences.

Please do this as quickly as possible, we would like to complete the dossier by 8 February.

To get action we need to be a big noisy squeaky wheel - you can help us do this by telling us about your burnout experiences.

If you have any queries at all you can contact me on or 0419 475 496.

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