MidCoast Council draft rural strategy - paper subdivision submissions to be considered by Council this Wednesday 28 September

By bobreid, 25 September, 2022

At this weeks Council Ordinary meeting on Wednesday 28 September Councillors are scheduled to consider submissions to the paper subdivision section of the draft rural strategy.

Of the 430 submissions to the rural strategy, 278 contained comments, suggestions or feedback on the paper subdivision report and land within and adjoining paper subdivisions.

Since there was a large number of submissions on paper subdivisions, Council staff have divided their analysis into the following ten groups:

A. Objection to consultation process

B. Comments about Rates on land in paper subdivisions

C. Objection to Report recommendations

D. Impact of environmental zone on existing land uses and activities

E. Support a development outcome

F. Support camping and request additional information and guidance

G. Services, facilities and enforcement

H. Support for the application of environmental zones

I. Request an alternative environmental zone

J. Heritage significance and recognition

The meeting agenda contains a report on the submissions with responses from Council staff. The responses from the staff on each of the ten groups are as follows:

A. Objection to consultation process
- No amendment to Rural Strategy or Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations. Council will undertake additional consultation and engagement when the Draft MidCoast Local Environmental Plan is on exhibition. The rezoning of land will only occur when the new MidCoast LEP comes into force
- The Local Community Plan program is not related to the strategic land use planning program of the Rural Strategy and Paper Subdivision Analysis Report. 

B. Comments about Rates on land in paper subdivisions
- No amendment to Rural Strategy or Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations as calculation of property values and the calculation and collection of rates is outside the scope of this project.

C. Objection to Report recommendation
- No amendment to Rural Strategy or Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations for implementation in the MidCoast LEP program.
- No amendment to Rural Strategy or Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations for implementation in the MidCoast LEP program.
- Rural Strategy and Paper Subdivision Analysis Report will be updated to reflect any amended and updated local and regional strategy documents wherever possible 

D. Impact of environmental zone on existing land uses and activities
- Rural Strategy and Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations are to be reviewed for consistency prior to finalisation and implementation in the MidCoast LEP program.
- The Rural Strategy includes a draft clause provision that requires consolidation of existing holding allotments, where that existing holding is relied upon for the purpose of development approval for a dwelling house. 

E. Support a development outcome
- A development outcome on every existing allotment within the identified paper subdivisions is not possible given identified constraints and legislative requirements, therefore the Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations will be progressed through the MidCoast LEP program.
A form to enable contact between land owners will be attached to the final PSA Report.
Key principles for each location, based on identified constraints and legislative requirements, will be provided where possible, to provide additional context for land owners willing to fund the studies, investigations and master planning required to follow the Department of Planning’s Paper Subdivision Guidelines process.

F. Support camping and request additional information and guidance
- No amendment to Rural Strategy or Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations. Additional information on camping and associated activities will be provided on Council’s Non-urban Land webpage to ensure all relevant information is available to land owners.

G. Services, facilities and enforcement
- Public amenities, management of on-site sewage, waste and garbage are outside of the scope of the Paper Subdivision Analysis Report and Rural Strategy. 

H. Support for the application of environmental zones
- Rural Strategy and Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations are to be reviewed for consistency prior to finalisation and implementation in the MidCoast LEP program. 
- C3 Environmental Management zone objective to be amended to read “To conserve biological diversity and native vegetation corridors, and their scenic qualities”.

I. Request an alternative environmental zone
- Rural Strategy and Paper Subdivision Analysis Report recommendations are to be reviewed for consistency prior to finalisation and implementation in the MidCoast LEP program. Additional consideration will be given to the minimum lot size in the PSA Report, given the additional ecological information that has been sourced and included, in response to submissions. 

J. Heritage significance and recognition
- The Paper Subdivision Analysis Report is to be updated to indicate ‘The subdivision layout should be reflected in any consolidation, concept Development Plan or Subdivision Order for North Arm Cove.’ 

As can be seen from the responses listed above, recommended changes to the rural strategy are minor, with no substantive change to the rural strategy and the proposed rezoning.

The agenda for the meeting can be downloaded from the following link - meeting papers. The section on the paper subdivision report is on pages 43-61 of the agenda.

Copies of all submissions relating to the paper subdivisions are posted on Council's website. Identifying information has been redacted to protect privacy of the submittors. You can download the submissions files from the link above. But be warned, the files are very large.

If you would like to watch the Council meeting, it is going to be webcast live at 2pm. You can access the webcast also at the link above.



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